This mosque complex fell into disuse after the presidency of Nasir (1968-1978). One of the two graves inside the enclosure (bisthaan) belongs to the Kuda Bandyri of Malé. The cemetery also includes Hukuru Miskiyy and Eid Miskiyy. Hukuru Miskiyy was built with funding from abroad. In front of Eid Miskiyy, there are two wells: One is square in shape (hathares kan valhu) and the other is octagon in shape (akkan valhu). On the east side of the cemetery, there was a small ablution tank named Kuda Veyo. It was used for ablutions before prayers. It was round in shape and was made of smooth-grained porites coral. The outer rim of the tank was however destroyed and covered with sand.
MHS Site No.: HAF-TKD-1
Interlocutor: Abdul Latheef Mohamed (79)
Interviewer: Mohamed Shamran
Date: 12 December 2019
Atoll: Haa Alif
Island: Thakandhoo
Address Fathan’gi Maage