This description of the Fuvahmulah Kedeyre Miskiyy includes comments on the previous existence of another mosque on the west side of this mosque. Ibrahim Adam says here “As far as I remember that mosque was called ‘Hukuraa jehi Miskiyy’ and that it had been relocated to this site. The cemeteries of both the mosques were also combined. “ He continues: “It is believed that Kedeyre Miskiyy was constructed after the Hakuraa jehi Miskiyy was moved to the site. This is because in this cemetery there are the gravestones of Dhon Sihthibuu and Elhaa Thakuru.” Its is said that the period when Dhon Sihthibuu lived was the same as Rehendhi Khadheeja, and thus would have pre-dated the Kedeyre Miskiiy.
We are also told here that the island of Fuvamulah was abandoned and repopulated several times. Ali Adafi Kaleyge was one of the local leaders of such a migration was the builder of this mosque. Ibrahim Adam continues, “‘Kedeyre’ is the name of a nearby house, and so it is believed that he got married to a woman from that house and named the mosque after it. However, some people who built mosques named them after themselves, rather than a place. Some of these mosques include, Havaadhiru Kalyege Miskiyy (which was built by one of the incharge called Aanadhun Abaakir) and Mathiyathi Kaleyge MIskiy built by Mathiyadhi Kaleyge.”
MHS Site record number : GNI- MAD-2
Interlocutor : Ibrahim Adam
Interviewer : Ibrahim Mujah
Date : 12 November 2018
Atoll : Gnyaviyani
Island : Maadhado
Address : Kedeyre Miskiyy