Text of an Arabic prayer. The paper bears a watermark of Malcom & Henry 1892.
...A copy of the report originally written on 6 August 1926 about the ownership of the land Henveiru Hikifinifenmaage and...
A copy of the report originally written on 26 August 1885 regarding the ownership of the land Galolhu Fukkekeyge
...A copy of the report orginally written on 7 Decmebr 1960 regarding the ownership of the land Maafannu Dhanbuge
...A copy of the report originally written on 1 may 1952 regarding the ownership of the land Maafannu Yamyamge
...A copy of the report originally writen on 22 January 1952 regarding the ownership of the land Maafannu Kaanashionmaage
...A copy of the report originally written 14 March 1956 regarding the ownership of the land Machchangoalhi Iraakuge
...A copy of the report originally written on 23 July 1960 regarding the owernship of the land Machchangoalhi Hithilaage
...A copy of the report originally written on 8 October 1932 regarding the ownership of the land Machchangoalhi Kudadhaharaage
...〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所