Large format Islamic devotional text for Mi’raj. Red and black ink Ornamental framework of red knotwork ‘Goh Kurehun’ pattern (framed...
Large format Islamic devotional text on the Mi’raj. Red and black ink, the latter of which has significanly corroded each...
Newspaper article sent to the sultan of the Maldives
...Short religious article written by Misses Ruby Calton and George Smoker
...Short religious article written by Mrs. Ruby Calton
...Fragment of single page kept at the Muḥammad Thakurufān al-Awzam palace, where it stored in a wooden box with lid.
...A single of paper kept at the Muḥammad Thakurufān al-Awzam palace among a stack of other manuscripts, where it is...
Qur’ān recitation certificate (khatm al-Qur’ān). A single damaged sheet of paper found at the Bodu Thakurufan Memorial Centre among a...
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