Allocation of the title of Island Chief, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Island Deputy Chief, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Imam, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Imam, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Island Chief, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Imam, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Island Deputy Chief, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Island Deputy Chief, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Imam, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...Allocation of the title of Imam, with an enumeration of powers and responsibilities
...〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所