This map of Malé was produced in 1986 by pasting together multiple tiles of A3-sized paper. It is much faded,
This map was prepared by the Maldives Land Registration Division in 1978. The title is printed in English at top
This colored map of the capital island was produced in 1950. It was commissioned by Mohamed Amin Didi shortly before
This map was done in the 21st year of the second reign of Sultan Muḥammad Shams al-Din III. Work on
This map was drawn during the 19th year of the second reign of Sultan Shams al-Din III (1921). The survey
This color-coded map does not carry any information on its cartography, and is not dated, but it’s relative chronology can
This map of Malé was produced in 1986 by pasting together multiple tiles of A3-sized paper. It is much faded,
This map was prepared by the Maldives Land Registration Division in 1978. The title is printed in English at top
This colored map of the capital island was produced in 1950. It was commissioned by Mohamed Amin Didi shortly before
This map was done in the 21st year of the second reign of Sultan Muḥammad Shams al-Din III. Work on
This map was drawn during the 19th year of the second reign of Sultan Shams al-Din III (1921). The survey
This color-coded map does not carry any information on its cartography, and is not dated, but it’s relative chronology can
〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所