Letter sent by the Haa Dhaalu Nolhivaranfaru Office, stating that one of the two trees that grow in Makunudhoo belong...
Letter sent by the chief of Haa Dhaalu Atoll stating that Hdh. Kanaman is a Waqf document distributed to Bodugalu...
Letter sent by the Haa Dhaalu Atoll Nolhivaramu Office on Waqf documents in the atoll
...Letter sent by the Dhaalu Kudahuvadhoo Atoll Office to several mosques in the atoll, stating the objectives of the Waqf...
Letter sent by Wzīr Al-Dhakhliyya, stating that the systematization of the housing list in Malé has been started and that...
Letter sent by 23-year-old Muḥammad Roashy (previous name: Lesly Price), declaring his conversion to Islam and inquiring about a teaching...
Letter sent by Guy Cross on June 26, 1959, requesting for a Maldiveian flag in order to use it in...
Letter sent by Kenneth E Crouch to Sultan Muḥammad Fareed Didi on March 4, 1960, requesting a photograph signed by...
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