Notificaion of the receipt of letters from T.A.J Noorbai&Company
...A letter sent by K.Miskeine stating that he has send a copy of a letter that he wrote stating an...
A letter sent by K. Miskeine on the death of his brother in the Maldives
...A letter sent by K. Miskeine on the death of his brother in the Maldives
...A letter requesting to sent a sample of a Maldivian bat species, togehter with instructions for its preparation for shipment
...One of a series of letters talking about the religion of Christianity
...One of a series of letters talking about the religion of Christianity
...A letter from a series of letters talking about the religion of Christianity
...Royal invitation letter for a coronation ceremony
...A letter sent to to the king explaining that the intention of a ship entering Maldivian waters is conducting scientififc...
〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所