Document on land ownership: Galolhu Fainuge
...Document on land ownership: Galolhu Fainuge
...Copy of a document, possibly MHS-ARC-MS282
...Document on land ownership: Henveiru Fenga’ndudhoshuge
...Document on land ownership: Kuredhivaru
...Document on land ownership: Maafannu Dharavandhooge
...Document on land ownership: Machchangoalhi Roashaneegoathi
...Document on land ownership: Galolhu Ilolhigoathi
...Document on land ownership: Maafannu Meenaage
...Report on the Sharia Court’s decision, regarding a land dispute over Henveiru Medhuziyaaraiidhoshuge
...〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所