A copy of the report originally written on 23 April 1961 regarding the ownership of part of the land in...
A copy of the report originally written on 16 March 1942 in to the investigation of the ownership of the...
A copy of the report originally written on 14 June 1925 regarding the ownership of the land Maafannu Jeymuge Goathi
...A copy of the report originally written on 24 November 1927 about the ownership of the land Maafannu Nooraaneege
...A copy of the report originally written on 17 June 1930 about the ownership of the land.
...A copy of the report originally written on 23 October 1951 about the ownership of the land Henveiru Nasreenu Goathi.
...A confirmation report originally written on 25 October 1960 about the owner of the land Machchangoalhi. Fonilunboage.
...A confirmation report originally written on 18 October 1912 about the owner of the land Machchangoalhi. Umarube Eesafulhu Goathi.
...〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所