Letter from the court in Malé to the people of Goivaruvaa demanding payment of tax revenue and a report on...
Letter from the court in Malé to the people of Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu demanding minimum payment of the debt,...
Letter from the court in Malé to the people of Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu demanding the balance of payment according...
Pre-printed form receipt from the court at Malé for payment from Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu.
...Pre-printed form receipt from the court at Malé for payment from Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu.
...Pre-printed form receipt from the court at Malé for payment from Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu.
...Pre-printed form receipt from the court at Malé for payment from Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu.
...Pre-printed form from the court at Malé confirming payment from Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu.
...Pre-printed form from the court at Malé confirming payment from Dhidhoo Faalahbayaa Ruh Gandu.
...Real estate document for Machchangoalhi Gadhdhooge
...〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所